An afternoon of NFT creation IMAGES THAT SOMETIME STARTLE YOUR EYES… I’ve been fascinated by the images from historical Japan. The amount of knowledge backed up or taught to the Artificial Intelligence systems is a challenge and joy to discover the pictures that emerge with just a few written words for a prompt. With the words: “ Realistic general portrait of a warrior Samurai, elaborate realism, handsome,” The NightCafe Creator produced this image: And I’ve published five altogether from the day’s work: I prompted for: “Realistic general shot of a geisha, elaborate realism, elegant.” And that’s all I needed to create this striking presence of a very put-together geisha. Next came this serious, perhaps suspicious, gentleman: The fourth one is this very contained, Geisha lady. The marks on her face are something I have to question. Perhaps someone will know the significance? The final image of the published group is this young Samurai warrior. The detail of the hair dec...
Chaos in America?
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Under the black wing of a Swan? What does this even mean? “Prepare for complete economic collapse.” Voices screaming from headlines, “Get your money out of the bank, now!” What is happening in our very mixed-up world? I see warnings of a Black Swan Event. From my view of the world from Belize, it takes on a more dream-like nightmare that borders on unreality—rumors over rumors and whispers that threaten from dark corners. I’m sure it takes on a much harder edge when inside the stock market or one of the central banks. The most troubling is the distorted view of the American nation whose image and presence are churning into what looks like out-of-control chaos. It’s not the America I grew up in, that’s for sure. For an elder like me, it’s just a warm memory and I’m sorry the young ones will never know what they missed. The aged folks from my generation all know and remember. We grieve and ponder if it can ever be recreated sometime in the future? --Gale Peterson (iguanamountain...
The Work of the Writer is a Brain Stretch and Never Truly Finished
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The Work of the Writer is a Brain Stretch and Never Truly Finished Pain and gain — two sides of the same coin for a novelist The alarm goes off at 3:50 AM, and I’m up and heading for the coffee maker. While that’s heating and brewing, I’m doing a full set of yoga stretches. Without fail, this routine is followed every morning and has for the last three years. By 4:20 AM The pen is in hand, and what is now the fifteenth notebook is getting some kind of writing. Sometimes stream of consciousness, sometimes a scene for whatever book I’m working on. The learned discipline is to write. It’s an easy shift to the computer keyboard to type a more finished version of the handwritten pages. Somewhere in this process, a Journal page is started and that will collect material throughout the day. I owe this process and discipline to Julia Cameron’s book, The Artist’s Way (25th Anniversary). That usually gets me to about 9 and more coffee and breakfast. After that short break, I’m back with more revi...
The New World of NFT's
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I've been exploring the new strange world of NFTs----Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are the hottest trend for the past couple of months. They look like this: These are created from art or photos using artificial intelligence to produce the final artwork. As you see they can go from very abstract to semi realistic paintings. When published they can be sold in a newly developing world of investment art. Some are selling for 100s-of-thousands of dollars. Shocking! These three are my exploratory work in development. I still have a lot to learn. The world changes faster than we can keep up. But it's fun to keep learning. Hang in there everyone! --iggy
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Been a few years. Other places, other commitments, but always writing, now more than ever. Inspired by The Artist's way by Julia Cameron, I've been doing Morning Pages for the past 42 weeks, every morning at 4am for a couple hours. I'm now in the tenth notebook. Amazing. "The ultimate reason is misunderstood, miscalculated and the disturbed ones lose their heads in the mele of media eating itself.The conversion to Quantum is unknown to most Facebook followers and all the non-social communicators. The reality of a truthful, fast analysis is a frightening concept." 😎 >>>iggy
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The question is, how do you know you exist? I am...when I am asleep, Sometimes more alive and full of power, I am...when I dream of home, I have lived many places in my dreams. I am...visiting often to my homes of dream, Familar sameness rich with memories, I am...when I dream of paths and trails, I always find my way to that same place. I am...when I am flying, Lifting free of ground and floors, I am...when I jump to air uplifted Soaring over miles of endless carpet colors. I am...there in that place I work, Knowing faces of friends and their stories, I am...familiar to all and loved by some Always planner, teacher, designer, solver. I am...because I know. Sleeping dreaming waking same, The self of me is me the self who... is as I am. We are one. Peace and love...>>>iggy