
Showing posts from April, 2009

Understand the words

If you haven't read it, how can you critisize? And what if his words are true? "To move in direction of justice and human dignity is like the natural flow in current of a river. Lest we forget the essence of love and affection. The promised bright future of the human being a great asset that may serve our purpose in keeping us together to build a new world full of love, fraternity and blessing. A world void of poverty and hatred meriting the increasing blesses of God Almighty and the righteous managing of the perfect human being. Lets us all join hands in amity in playing our share in the fulfillment of such of decent new world." Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , from speech at UN speech, conference on racism

Asparagus & Cancer

Several years ago, I had a man seeking asparagus for a friend who had cancer. He gave me a photocopied copy of an article,entitled, `Asparagus for cancer' printed in Cancer NewsJournal, December 1979. I will share it here, just as it was shared with me: I am a biochemist,and have specialized in the relation of diet to health for over 50 years.Several years ago, I learned of the discovery of Richard R. Vensal, D.D.S. that asparagus might cure cancer. Since then, I have worked with him on his project. We have accumulated a number of favorable case histories. Here are a few examples: Case No. 1, A man with an almost hopeless case of Hodgkin's disease (cancer of the lymph glands) who was completely incapacitated. Within 1 year of starting the asparagus therapy, his doctors were unable to detect any signs of cancer, and he was back on a schedule of strenuous exercise. Case No. 2, a successful businessman 68 years old who suffered from cancer of the bladder for 16 years. After years ...

To Tell the Truth?

“Influential Los Angeles Times columnist Rosa Brooks has hung up her journalistic hat and joined the Obama administration, but not before penning a public proposal calling for some radical ideas to help bail out the failing news industry. Brooks, who has taken up a post as an adviser at the Pentagon, advocated upping "direct government support for public media" and creating licenses to govern news operations.” And who do you suppose will grant the license to the media that supports the "correct" agenda? And what happens to anyone who wants to present or broadcast news without a license? Is this a backdoor attempt to control the Internet?

For Christians To Think About

Michael Rivero commented on  one of the posts  that appeared on his  What Really Happened  site yesterday… “Where did this man get this wisdom and these mighty works? Is not this the carpenter’s son? Is not his mother called Mary? And are not his brothers James and Joseph and Simon and Judas? And are not all his sisters with us?” (Matthew 13.54-56). Jesus was part of an extended family. The Bible says he had brothers and sisters. Some churches try to spin that these were only cousins, or Joseph’s from a previous marriage, but Mary, Jesus’ mother, was probably not an only child. At the very least, Jesus had cousins, Aunts, and Uncles. For the purpose of this discussion, we do not need to go into the question of whether Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married and had a family. But the fact is that Jesus had kinfolk; blood relations on his mother’s side. Those kinfolk had children. Those children had children. Those children had children. And so forth. Modern genetics testing of Y-chromosom...

Case Citation to rethink...

"Personal liberty, or the Right to enjoyment of life and liberty, is one of the fundamental or natural Rights, which has been protected by its inclusion as a guarantee in the various constitutions, which is not derived from, or dependent on, the U.S. Constitution, which may not be submitted to a vote and may not depend on the outcome of an election. It is one of the most sacred and valuable Rights, as sacred as the Right to private property ... and is regarded as inalienable." 16 C.J.S., Constitutional Law, Sect.202, p.987   Sovereignty itself is, of course, not subject to law   , for it is the author and source of law; but in our system, while sovereign powers are delegated to the agencies of government, sovereignty itself remains with the people   , by whom and for whom all government exists and acts.    And the law is the definition and limitation of power. For the very idea that one man may be compelled to hold his life, or the means of living, or any material right essen...

World Digital Library nears launch

During these troubled days there is so little good news. This project can be a valuable resource. Wed, 08 Apr 2009 13:25:59 GMT The count down has begun for the launch of the World Digital Library which is expected to grant users free access to multilingual material.  The website, to be launched on April 21 at UNESCO's Paris headquarters, will offer rare books, maps, manuscripts, films and photographs from libraries and archives from around the globe.  Users will be able to access the material in seven languages - Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.  Some 32 partner institutions from Brazil, Britain, China, Egypt, France, Japan, Russia, Saudi Arabia and the US helped UNESCO with the project which was developed by the world's biggest library, the US Library of Congress, AFP reported.  The World Digital Library was first proposed to UNESCO in 2005 by the Librarian of Congress, James Billington.  The World Digital Library will be available at  world...