WINTER IN BELIZE, And Whispers This is Climate Change for old folks . The months of December, January and maybe part of February are lovely with cool nights and temperate days. The sunshine is warm and feels good after being in air-conditioned cars and shops, which feel like some kind of cold-storage. I travel with a sweater. Then in this season, IT RAINS! Very intense, heavy rain that can soak you to the skin in 30 seconds. Some folks call it the 'rainy season'. But it doesn't rain every day. The benefit is that everything is green. Rich, vibrant green. Now let me tell you about our jungle experience yesterday. About five years ago we went to visit and photograph our friends' mother's original home. It is located maybe three miles from the main highway. The one-lane dirt road wound around and up a hill. The mother had passed away and the house was abandoned. There were some enormous trees close by and the brush was beginning to regain some height...