Blog City Prompt: Do you believe humans and animals have a spiritual connection that isn’t necessarily dependent on the language? Have you had any incidents of this with the animals in your life? Oh yes. I had Winniefred for over fourteen years. She came as a birthday gift, just a tiny fluf. She grew into a beautiful multicolored Australian crossed with a Dingo, essentially bred for Sheep herding. Her earliest training was by a male Siamese who taught her to play and to respect cats. I was working as Artistic Director, and Choreographer for a regional semi-professional theater in Carmel Valley, CA. I taught a dance class every day for the theater company. From her earliest time with me, Winnierfred stayed where ever I was working. She had a towel under the ballet bar and learned very quickly that "Stay" meant no moving or making noise. When the break came, she circulated among the actors and dancers greeting and being loved. Then when we started touri...