The question is, how do you know you exist? I am...when I am asleep, Sometimes more alive and full of power, I am...when I dream of home, I have lived many places in my dreams. I am...visiting often to my homes of dream, Familar sameness rich with memories, I am...when I dream of paths and trails, I always find my way to that same place. I am...when I am flying, Lifting free of ground and floors, I am...when I jump to air uplifted Soaring over miles of endless carpet colors. I am...there in that place I work, Knowing faces of friends and their stories, I am...familiar to all and loved by some Always planner, teacher, designer, solver. I am...because I know. Sleeping dreaming waking same, The self of me is me the self who... is as I am. We are one. Peace and love...>>>iggy