
Showing posts from September, 2022

Chaos in America?

  Under the black wing of a Swan? What does this even mean? “Prepare for complete economic collapse.” Voices screaming from headlines, “Get your money out of the bank, now!” What is happening in our very mixed-up world? I see warnings of a Black Swan Event. From my view of the world from Belize, it takes on a more dream-like nightmare that borders on unreality—rumors over rumors and whispers that threaten from dark corners. I’m sure it takes on a much harder edge when inside the stock market or one of the central banks. The most troubling is the distorted view of the American nation whose image and presence are churning into what looks like out-of-control chaos. It’s not the America I grew up in, that’s for sure. For an elder like me, it’s just a warm memory and I’m sorry the young ones will never know what they missed. The aged folks from my generation all know and remember. We grieve and ponder if it can ever be recreated sometime in the future? --Gale Peterson (iguanamountain...