
Showing posts from January, 2009
Welcome to the Virtual Reality Time Machine Your Window to the World is what? Where do you get your information? How did you arrive at your beliefs?  If you are an American or British or perhaps Canadian, how do you react to something like:  " The country is simply busted. Its financial obligations are unpayable, its asset prices are illusions, and the great undertaking in Washington, New York is to preserve those illusions rather than face reality ." How do YOU recognize reality? Your eyes receive light, your ears sound, your skin touch, your tongue senses taste, and your nose inhales smell.  Think about it. From before your birth you were sensing and recording within your brain; billions upon billions of sensory elements whether you are awake or asleep. Somehow it all gets sorted out and now it all makes sense... but looking back it all was just light, sound, contact with your skin, things in your mouth, and in the air you breathe.  Now, in this highly sophisticated, techni...