Welcome to the Virtual Reality Time Machine

Your Window to the World is what?
Where do you get your information? How did you arrive at your beliefs? 
If you are an American or British or perhaps Canadian, how do you react to something like: 
"The country is simply busted. Its financial obligations are unpayable, its asset prices are illusions, and the great undertaking in Washington, New York is to preserve those illusions rather than face reality."

How do YOU recognize reality?
Your eyes receive light, your ears sound, your skin touch, your tongue senses taste, and your nose inhales smell.  Think about it. From before your birth you were sensing and recording within your brain; billions upon billions of sensory elements whether you are awake or asleep. Somehow it all gets sorted out and now it all makes sense...but looking back it all was just light, sound, contact with your skin, things in your mouth, and in the air you breathe. 

Now, in this highly sophisticated, technical existence, more and more of your information about the external (outside your body) information comes from what? Visual? Sound? 

How close are most persons to the physical, natural world? 
You are surrounded by protective clothing, air conditioning, central heating, filtered air, processed food, sun glasses, filtered glass. Your body's senses are protected, smoothed, enhanced.  And for your brain, add to that millions of advertisements in print and visual images that include voices talking to you incessantly. Does your brain automatically separate entertainment from advertising from news of the world? Is your brain being protected, smoothed, enhanced?

Most of you experience hours of "talking heads,” commentators, analogists, news readers, consultants, experts, testimonials, interviews, and thousands upon thousands of selected or created images of the current world... ALL OF IT DESIGNED TO GUIDE YOUR THINKING and EITHER CHANGE or REINFORCE YOUR BELIEFS, DESIRES, NEEDS and EMOTIONS.

And all this created for you by mostly professionals from varying generations reflecting the input they received during their formative and educational periods. Advertising becomes entertainment which merges into news and current events becoming a hybrid reality.  Is this your reality? How much of your daily life is steeped in illusion?

How often do you read text? Or do you depend on visual images, either still or in motion. Do you automatically accept those images as reality? If you read, there is another level of available information. Do you make use of that?

In these unusual times of 2009, any image can be created or altered just as text can be preselected, rewritten or deleted. Long before your brain gets a chance to choose or discard something, that information has been pre-selected, edited, spun, slanted and made more attractive for YOUR BRAIN.

Remembering that it is only reflected light and sound waves...
How is this for a concept? You are responsible for what enters your body as far as information. (Same as food) Your brain is the protector and filter. That is until it becomes life threatening, then everything works on a different level. Then you go onto automatic and begin dealing with a different reality that is often much closer to the natural world.

Does the following become life threatening? "The country is simply busted. Its financial obligations are unpayable, its asset prices are illusions, and the great undertaking in Washington and New York is to preserve those illusions rather than face reality."

We are trying to arrive at a thought process that filters properly, that focuses sharply through the deluge of information down to what really is important. Hopefully this is the beginning of a long and fruitful discussion.


  1. Gale,
    Interesting comments. Something I have been thinking about lately as I'm reading Neal Stephenson's Anathem. He delves into this and just a few other topics as well.
    I have no answer, but am enjoying the thought processes you and he have driven me to enter into.


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