
Showing posts from February, 2009

What to believe?

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”    Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha

Golden Dreams

Virtual meets Real Earlier this morning for just a few moments the value of gold registered on the screen as $999.09/oz., during the day it passed $1000. Human energy rushes to safety from a virtual world that shifts and rumbles under its feet. From the world of Global Warming:  The warmly created virtual world chills just a bit. A glitch in satellite sensors caused scientists to underestimate the extent of Arctic sea ice by 500,000 square kilometers (193,000 square miles), a California- size area, the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center said. Real Golden Dreams begin to fade. (UBS Agrees to Pay $780m and Disclose Clients to Settle Tax Fraud Case): the Justice Department has sued UBS, seeking the identities of 52,000 Americans who used the bank to shelter income from the IRS. As others realize their Golden Dreams. Detroit agreed to let auto workers retire with full pension and benefits after 30 years on the job, regardless of their age. In practice, that meant a worker could start ...

We are living in a Time Machine

In the past (that was one minute ago) I sat looking at a blank, white screen. Thirty seconds ago I typed, "We are living in a Time Machine." Seconds later those moments were all part of the past; my past…and ultimately, your past. As you read this on the blog it will be sometime in my future; possibly tomorrow or even several days from now. My written voice is coming to you from the past, but I am writing to you, the reader, in the future.   However, as soon as you have read these words they become a permanent part of your past.   Do you see, in simple basic ways, everything we do flows from future to past through our own personal awareness.   Within each of us, a Time Machine!

Centered Alone in Spirit

Centered alone in spirit, Complete in surety of the sun’s rising, Golden edged clouds precede, Sharp beams cut through sheltering branches, Leafless in winter’s mantle of white pure snow, The Earth-world waits, Teeming with expectation. Complexities as diverse as those within the plant-insect domains, Emerge to seize the creative imagination, Of those who would see the truth, Truth as it appears within their limit of knowledge, Information—ever expanding , Streaming around the entities with fast-as-light speed, And broadband encompassing volume, Devoid of that same quality long revered, Lacking in preparation or experience, Shallow beyond all understanding, We grasp at old men’s ideas of new worlds—false images , Long since evaporated in what is. The Earth Community wraps itself together with electronic strands, While barriers form, New each day, To be burrowed under, Around, Personally dissected, Freed in space to be caught by tiny dis...

Real Jobs...Real Employees...who counts?

Making the world "appear" to be more comfortable has become part of this less-than-real existence... .   The unemployment rate reported in the US media is a fabrication.Statistician John Williams ( reports that "during the Clinton Administration, 'discouraged workers' those who had given up looking for a job because there were no jobs to be had--were redefined so as to be counted only if they had been 'discouraged' for less than a year. This time qualification defined away the bulk of the discouraged workers. Adding them back into the total unemployed, actual unemployment, [according to the unemployment rate methodology used in 1980] rose to 18% in January, from 17.5% in December."   In other words, without all the manipulations of the data from a government that lies to us every time it opens its mouth, the US unemployment rate is already at depression levels.  Paul Craig Roberts Complete article:

How much is a trillion?

“I f you spent a million dollars every day since Jesus was born,  you would have spent three-quarters of a trillion dollars. A million seconds is about 11.5 days. A billion seconds is about 32 years, and a trillion seconds  is 32,000 years.”  - J ohn Allen Paulos, Ph.D., Math Prof., Temple Univ.

Inside the magic circle

We've talked a lot lately about what compromises a Virtual World. One of the ways is total immersion in a computer created world either as a social type of environment or as a multi-user war or strategy game. Some of the most popular are the online creations, some having hundreds of thousands of members.   If you don't think this virtual world stuff is serious, take a look at this CBS Evening News article: These folks are beyond simple games or entertainment. They're spending real money on property and things that only exist in their chosen virtual world.   Here's a list of most of the worlds by category . There is something for everyone. Or you can get set up and make your own from scratch.     Here's a few you can look at real fast. They all are very welcoming and filled with information for newcomers. http://www.v...

Are we watching a virtual kind of world that is crumbling?

Do we live in a hyper-materialistic driven environment?   And how does this conflict with our spiritual self?   These days there is   a mind-numbing volume of supposedly important persons   expressing their opinion or even more impressive, their absolute belief about how to "restore the economy."     Now, is it possible that some of these folks are living in a kind of virtual world that has been deliberately created or constructed by the more devious members of the great global financial world?   Whose agenda is the real one? What is that agenda?   The predictions and speculations pile up day after day constantly being "revised" as they react to the new, current information. Then you must question if the "information" is real.   Have the numbers and values been massaged or manipulated.   There are a surprising amount of billions and trillions suddenly appearing that were "off the books" and are now required   to be reported.    ...

Are you in a Virtual World?

A virtual world has all the elements of the world we live in. The only difference is that the world is created by one person or a small group of people for the purpose of achieving a goal; sometimes not for the good of man and sometimes for improving access to a special world that does not recognize time and distance.   In the myriad of electronic, digital virtual worlds, travel is unlimited, locations are infinite, both real world-reproductions and fantasy venues. Virtual worlds are filled with virtual people and other entities. Rules, laws, activities, behaviors are infinite as well. Becoming someone else is fun. When a person is in a virtual world it can be a personal choice, for fun or entertainment, or it becomes an addiction, or more seriously, a refuge. This attraction to virtual worlds can be use by unscrupulous people to cause damage to humans on many different levels. There are virtual events and living situations that have degrees of belief that parallel those in the com...

Some thoughts about creativity

What is creativity and where does it come from? (Looking at a very small portion of the human brain's purpose and functions, but one of supreme importance.) How's this for a starter... Everything that is man-made in the physical world begins as a thought-idea in one (or many) human minds. Bursting into THE MIND, perhaps at the speed of light, AS AN IMAGE; maybe indistinct, rolling around forming as you scan thousands of source memories, fragments of knowledge that give the creation-idea form enough to be expressed in language , IN WORDS... And then brought outside your brain into the physical world with speech (SOUNDS) sometimes this process only takes a split second. This is often expanded with facial expressions and body language. Granted this is a simplification of a creative process that happens hundreds, thousands, millions of times each day within the human race. The purpose is either to communicate something, to solve a problem, or for pure enjoyment. Beyond th...